There have been many recent attacks in the world, and they are likely to continue. Therefore, emergency response systems are more than a value, they are a necessity. The primary reasons to consider a system is to be able to communicate to people inside and outside the building via computers, LED displays, loudspeakers, horns, lighting, signs and other options. Some people call it by-your-side technology and it allows messages to be sent by email, PDAs, and cell phones. A system such as this can save lives by providing up-to-the-minute communication about weather updates, staging areas, evacuations and first-aid needs.
While you likely hope there are no severe emergencies that would require such options, it is always better to be prepared rather than waiting for a catastrophe to find you.
Do You Need One?
It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in or which company you own, you do need emergency response systems. However, there are many options out there, making it necessary to determine the most major threats, the probability of what will occur and what you need to ensure the safety of yourself and everyone involved.
Types of Emergencies
Natural disasters are always a probability, which can include tornados and earthquakes. However, what would happen if a disgruntled employee started shooting others? Do you have plans in place for security breaches, chemical spills, and other situations? Most company owners don’t, not because they don’t care, but because they’re unaware of the dangers.
Options Available
Any type of communication is a necessity, but you may choose to utilise multiple options. Email and texting are excellent, but what happens if the power goes out or the cell towers are jammed? While notification systems are of value, so are fire-alarm and security systems. Warning others of a fire or potential fire could save lives and security systems with automatic locking doors could ensure that no one leaves and gets infected with airborne viruses.
Tell Others
Now that you understand the severity of not having a system in place, you’ll want to devise something that works for your budget and needs. However, you’ll also have to bring together all the departments and inform them of what you’re doing and why. Then, you should require that they are trained and taught how to deal with various situations that can arise, so they are well-informed and less likely to panic.